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Elevating math teacher expectations to ensure inclusive and equitable 
6-12 math classrooms

Gain access to my recorded session from ASCD Annual 2023 titled Elevating Math Teacher Expectations: Ensuring inclusive and equitable 6-12 math classrooms

Learn more about my services for schools and districts
Blog posts just for administrators
Teaching 6-12 Math Intervention: A Practical Framework To Engage Students Who Struggle


Schools who partner with me achieve the following:


5-Star Reviews on TrustPilot

We'd be a good fit if you're...

  • A title I 6th-12th grade school or looking to improve outcomes for historically underserved student populations (intervention, remedial, SPED, inclusion, etc)

  • Looking for a math consultant that can support teachers with any curriculum and create custom services to meet your unique needs​​

  • Searching for professional development filled with practical strategies teachers can use tomorrow in their classrooms and change teacher practice

  • Looking to partner with a math consultant with actual high school math intervention teaching experience in historically underserved communities


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Colorado Department

of Education

Exceptional Student Services

Create and deliver a series of webinars for the Exceptional Student Services department around Specific Learning Disabilities in Mathematics.


Client since 2019

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Colorado Department

of Education

Office of Facility Schools

Provide virtual workshops twice a month to support secondary math teachers teaching in facilities schools across the state of Colorado

Client since 2020


East Side Union

High School District

San Jose, CA

Plan and facilitate a full year of Special Education math professional learning for teachers across 13 sites.

Provide weekly coaching to district math leadership


Client since 2018


Northeast Colorado BOCES

Haxtun, CO

Plan and facilitate multiple one day workshops for BOCES special education teachers. Workshops focused on increasing student engagement in secondary math for students with learning differences.

Client for 2018-19


Pikes Peak BOCES

Colorado Springs, CO

Plan and facilitate multiple virtual workshops for Pikes Peak BOCES secondary math teachers during the 20-21 school year.


Client since 2020-21


New America Schools

Denver, CO

Plan and facilitate multiple half day workshops for NAS Math Teachers across 3 sites on engagement and increasing student achievement. I also provided both in person and virtual instructional coaching.

Client since 2019


Capitan Municipal Schools

New Mexico

Plan and facilitate a one day workshop for special education and general ed middle school and high school math teachers.

Client for 2018-19


Milpitas High School


Provide multiple one day workshops to Milpitas High School math department on engagement strategies, common grading, goal setting. Also provided monthly virtual coaching for department chairs


Client from 2018 - 2020


Santa Fe Indian School

Provide multiple virtual workshops for the SFIS math department as well as all other departments on engagement strategies to use during distance learning.


Client in 2020-21

Clients (schools & Dist page)

Start the conversation here

Thank you! You'll hear from me soon!


I am a former high school math support and Algebra 1 teacher and co-teacher having taught, led departments, and led PLC teams at high schools in South Central Los Angeles, East San Jose, and Denver. I also served as a district math coach and TOSA where I led professional development for math and special education teachers across thirteen urban high schools.


Frustrated with the lack of support, resources, and quality professional development for math teachers that work with students below grade level, I founded CollaboratEd Consulting LLC in 2018 and have provided high quality PD and coaching for schools, districts, and state departments of education focused on math equity.  


I am the author of the Amazon Best Seller, Teaching 6-12 Math Intervention: A Practical Framework to Engage Students Who Struggle (Routledge). My work has been published in NCTM's journal, Mathematics Learning & Teaching, and I am an in demand presenter at national and state conferences including NCTM, CAMT, ASCD, and more. For references, please contact I look forward to bringing my passion and expertise to your school or district!

I'm also mom, dog mom, wife to an incredible hubby, and obsessed with chai tea. I grew up a beach girl in Santa Monica, California, but turned mountain mama when we moved to Denver, Colorado.

Hi, I'm Juliana!

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