Schools and districts that collaborate with me see an increase in student engagement, student pass rates, and have more confident teachers.

East Side Union
High School District
With over 29,000 students in 13 high schools, East Side Union High School District is a one of the largest districts in the San Francisco Bay Area. With over 2,800 special education students, it became clear ESUHSD needed support making a newly adopted textbook accessible for ALL students. CollaboratEd created and facilitated all of the professional learning and instructional coaching which resulted in a 6% increase in student pass rates in just one semester.

Colorado Department of Education - Facility Schools
If you’re unfamiliar with “Facility Schools” they are schools that are also residential facilities, day treatment centers, and hospitals and come with some unique challenges like a very transient student population and multiple grade levels and ages within each class period. CollaboratEd has been providing virtual support that one teacher described as "life changing" (not an exaggeration).

Milpitas High School
One of the larger high schools in the state, Milpitas High School has over 3,100 students enrolled. While the school outperforms the state average in mathematics in general, when data is broken down by measures of equity, there is a discrepancy in math performance. CollaboratEd facilitated professional learning focused on engagement strategies for ALL students.