Let me guess...
You're tired of feeling like you're talking to yourself all period
It's like pulling teeth to get students to participate at all
You thought the lesson went well, but when students took the quiz, almost everyone failed
I can help you increase engagement, achievement, and motivation of students who have been historically unsuccessful in mathematics

Hi, I'm Juliana!

I taught high school intervention math, Integrated Math 1, and co-taught Algebra 1 in South Central Los Angeles and East San Jose before leaving the classroom because I was frustrated with the lack of support and resources available to me as an intervention teacher.
Now, as an independent Math Intervention Specialist at CollaboratEd, I support schools, districts, and state departments of education by providing immediately applicable workshops and classroom tested resources to secondary math teachers working with students below grade level.
Teachers see 46% more students engaging every day and 20% more students passing their classes as a result of our work together.
I also love my instant pot, enjoy scenic Fall hikes in the mountains of Colorado, and will always choose chai over coffee.
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Based out of Denver, Colorado.