More confident special education mathematics teachers
East Side Union High School District
San Jose, CA
29,000 students
Urban setting
2,800 special education students
54% free reduced lunch
The Challenge
After adopting a new math textbook, it became clear that special education math teachers needed a scope & sequence that would work for their students. With district directors and leaders wearing multiple hats, it was clear a consultant was needed to make sure this important work was finished.
How We Helped
#1) Professional Development
We planned and facilitated 10 sessions of professional development to district special education math teachers spaced throughout the year to cover the topics immediately before teachers would be teaching the content to their students. This allowed teachers to practice the mathematics themselves and learn strategies to increase student engagement.
#2) Math leadership coaching
We conducted a weekly virtual meeting with district math leadership to set goals and work collaboratively towards supporting the special education math teachers.
#3) Scope & Sequence creation
In collaboration with district math leaders we developed and fine tuned a scope & sequence, resources, and pacing calendar for special education math teachers.
The Results
Survey results conducted at the end of the school year show that teachers who attend our PD are seeing a positive impact in the classroom:
100% of special education math teachers felt the workshops we provided increased their confidence in the mathematics content
81% felt the content and strategies they learned at the workshops increased student achievement in their classrooms
100% of teachers reported using strategies they learned in the workshops in their classrooms